General Programs

Tim Dumas Programs

Tim standing inside a picture frame

Impossible! A concept that has always inspired a challenge to the imaginative mind of Tim Dumas. It is this dynamic inspiration that immediately engages your group.

Key concepts and objectives are reinforced as Tim intrigues them with magic and humor relative to your topic.

With thought provoking and captivating presentations, Tim will have your group finding ways to do the seemingly impossible:

• Building fun and creative work environments
• Increasing productivity, sales and profits
• Enhancing customer and employee satisfaction

With Tim’s genuine and charismatic energy your group will
• be inspired to learn
• gain a “Find a Way to Do It!” Attitude
• build team morale and foster effective communication

With Tim’s humorous “Magic with a Message” delivery your group will be
• amazed and entertained
• captivated and intrigued
• stimulated to acquire knowledge to be more productive

People describe him as a “kinetic optimist”; his workshops, memorable, fun and life-changing.

A creative and fun work environment fosters job satisfaction by allowing the employees to feel empowered. It develops team camaraderie, reduces stress and cultivates happy employees. Happy employees enjoy the work they do. Employees that enjoy their job, do it well! A job well done keeps the customers comin’ back!


Creating a Useful Attitude **VIEW VIDEO** >>

Life is about attitude. How we respond to any situation is really the only free choice we have. “It is a grace and a strength to determine your own actions, rather than allow them to be formed by the actions of others” But what exactly is “attitude”?

Effective Change Management >>

People don’t mind change - If they did no one would play the lottery! They just want to be involved in the change as an active partner.

Great Customer Service and Effective Teams >>

Creating a passion for exceeding the customer’s expectations adds a competitive edge to any business. Are you or your staff attentive to exploring and supporting the customer’s needs long after a sale or service has been provided?

Humor in the Workplace >>

A recent study showed that only 15% of people are let go from their job due to incompetence. 85% are fired because they lacked the ability to get along with fellow employees and/or customers. WOW!

Resiliency Rx - Stress Management >>

Resiliency: ability to adjust easily to change, flexible, spirit. Can attitude impact your health? Is there a magic formula to a stress free life? How can we reduce stress and increase resiliency?

The Art of Customer Service >>

– A Unique Approach to Getting and Keeping Their Attention "Unique" is the part of us that we often keep hidden because we don’t want to appear different. But don’t we WANT to be different to stand out from our competitors?

Time Management & Effective Multi-Tasking >>

What Does It Co$t to Pay Attention? Have you recently thought,“If there were only a few more hours in the day!” or “Where did I put that?”

Anatomy of a Sale >>

Today's buyers are more sophisticated and expect more attention to their needs. The successful sales force recognizes and honors the customers' need for an education about the company's product and/or service and "HOW" it will benefit them.

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